Comparison categories description | Fluid Attacks Help

Comparison categories description

In order to show the benefits of hiring Fluid Attacks' software security services, in this section, we compare ourselves with other providers. We present the information in tables weighing up the features of Fluid Attacks' Advanced and Essential plans versus the competition's offering in several topics.

Here are the descriptions of each topic:

  • Accuracy: The reported findings are real vulnerabilities: low rates of false positives (lies).

  • Binary SAST: Offers tools able to analyze binary files without reviewing the source code and find vulnerabilities.

  • Source SAST: Offers automatic source code scanners able to detect vulnerabilities present within the code.

  • DAST: Offers tools to find vulnerabilities in application's execution time. These tools are focused on web applications and APIs.

  • IAST: Offers methodologies those detect vulnerabilities by interacting automatically or manually with the application ar runtime in a controlled environment.

  • SCA: Offers tools able to analyze, scan and identify vulnerabilities present in open-source components.

  • RE: Offers methodologies where hackers deconstruct software in order to find security flaws or vulnerabilities.

  • MPT: Offers Offers methodologies where hackers do penetration testing so as to detect all vulnerabilities as possible, try to exploit them and report all findings.

  • CSPM: Offers tools able to ease cloud security posture management.

  • ASOC: Offers tools able to orchestrate application security software and correlate vulnerabilities and risks findings in order to ease analyze data.

  • ASPM: Offers tools able to ease application security posture management.

  • Compliance: Standards and regulations validated by the tools.

  • Fast and automatic: Performs fast and automatic scans looking for vulnerabilities in IT systems.

  • Support: Offers a single support plan that includes all benefits without requiring additional costs.

  • Security training: Communication channels or services offered to clients to help their developers improve their security skills.

  • Remediation: Offers support to help clients during remediation process.

  • CI/CD support: Breaks the build independently from the development team.

  • Method: Type of method and tools used to perform the scans and analysis.

  • Correlation of attacks: Detects vulnerabilities those combined, could generate a new vulnerability of greater impact, which may compromise more registers.

  • Safe mode: Could run or operate without affecting the availability of services or operations of the client.

  • Type of evidence: File formats abd styles used to deliver the evidence of findings and vulnerabilities to the client.

  • Exploitation: Ability to perform vulnerability exploitation according to customer's requirements.

  • Zero-day vulnerabilities: Ability to detect and identify zero-day vulnerabilities in software.

  • AI/ML triage: Ability to use artificial intelligence to prioritize vulnerabilities and files to remediation.

  • Demo: Ability to provide a demo meeting to show how the platform works and present its main features.

  • Free trial: Offers the option of a free trial of tools, either for a limited time or with limited features.

  • Payment from website: Payments can be made from the website.

  • Transparent pricing: Pricing is available in a public website.

  • Delivery model: Way to offer products or services directly by the provider or using third-party companies.

The official marketing information available on the website of the company being referenced is used to make it easier for the customer to review the information and compare faster vs. Fluid. Claims made by the supplier compared on sources other than the website are not considered.

Note on the free trial for comparison section
Free trial
Search for vulnerabilities in your apps for free with Fluid Attacks' automated security testing! Start your 21-day free trial and discover the benefits of the Continuous Hacking Essential plan. If you prefer the Advanced plan, which includes the expertise of Fluid Attacks' hacking team, fill out this contact form.