Automatic information enumeration - C-Sharp

Automatic information enumeration - C-Sharp


Prevention of automatic information enumeration


  • Usage of C# for building robust and scalable applications
  • Usage of System for accessing and manipulating system-level resources and functionality
  • Usage of System.Net for network communication in .NET development
  • Usage of System.Net.Sockets for network communication in .NET development
  • Usage of System.Text for text encoding and decoding in .NET development


Non compliant code

        using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        IPAddress ip = Dns.GetHostEntry("localhost").AddressList[0];
        TcpListener server = new TcpListener(ip, 8080);

        Console.WriteLine("Server has started on{0}Waiting for a connection...", Environment.NewLine);

        TcpClient client = server.AcceptTcpClient();

        Console.WriteLine("A client connected.");

        NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();

        while (true)
            while (!stream.DataAvailable) ;

            Byte[] bytes = new Byte[client.Available];

            stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
            string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now, data);

The above code is a simple TCP server that listens on port 8080 and prints out any data it receives. The server is vulnerable to automatic information enumeration because it does not implement any form of authentication or encryption.

The server starts and waits for a client to connect. Once a client connects, the server enters an infinite loop where it continually checks if data is available to read from the stream. If data is available, it reads the data, converts it to a string, and prints it out.

This means that any client that can connect to the server can send it data, and this data will be printed out by the server. An attacker could use this to send malicious data to the server, or to probe the server for open ports and available services. In addition, because the server does not implement any form of encryption, any data sent to the server is sent in plaintext, which could be intercepted and read by an attacker.

This could potentially lead to a variety of security issues, including data leakage, unauthorized access, and denial of service attacks.


  • Disable automatic information enumeration by removing or restricting the functionality that allows the enumeration of system information.
  • Implement proper input validation and sanitization to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  • Implement access controls and authentication mechanisms to restrict access to sensitive system information.
  • Regularly update and patch the application and its dependencies to address any known vulnerabilities that could be exploited for information enumeration.
  • Implement logging and monitoring mechanisms to detect and respond to any unauthorized attempts to enumerate system information.
  • Educate developers and administrators about the risks of information enumeration and the importance of secure coding practices.

Compliant code

        using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        IPAddress ip = Dns.GetHostEntry("localhost").AddressList[0];
        TcpListener server = new TcpListener(ip, 8080);

        Console.WriteLine("Server has started on{0}Waiting for a connection...", Environment.NewLine);

        TcpClient client = server.AcceptTcpClient();

        Console.WriteLine("A client connected.");

        NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();

        while (true)
            while (!stream.DataAvailable) ;

            Byte[] bytes = new Byte[client.Available];

            stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
            // Implement input validation and sanitization
            string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
            data = System.Web.Security.AntiXss.AntiXssEncoder.HtmlEncode(data, false);

            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now, data);

The updated code includes several changes to address the vulnerability of automatic information enumeration:

1. Access Control: The [Authorize] attribute is added to the class. This ensures that only authenticated users can access the class and its methods, thus restricting access to sensitive system information.

2. Input Validation and Sanitization: The System.Web.Security.AntiXss.AntiXssEncoder.HtmlEncode method is used to sanitize the incoming data. This prevents any malicious input from being executed, thus protecting against unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Please note that this is a basic example and real-world applications may require more complex access control, input validation, and sanitization mechanisms. Additionally, it's important to regularly update and patch the application and its dependencies, implement logging and monitoring mechanisms, and educate developers and administrators about secure coding practices.
