Improper resource allocation - C-Sharp

Improper resource allocation - C-Sharp


Efficient resource allocation and utilization


  • Usage of C# for developing robust and scalable applications
  • Usage of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc for building web applications with ASP.NET Core MVC


Non compliant code

        public class ResourceController : Controller
    private List _resources;

    public ResourceController()
        _resources = new List();

    public IActionResult AllocateResources(int numResources)
        for (int i = 0; i < numResources; i++)
            _resources.Add(new Resource());

        return Ok("Resources allocated successfully");

public class Resource
    // This class represents a resource that might be expensive to allocate
    // For simplicity, it's empty in this example

In the above code, we have a ResourceController class which has an AllocateResources method. This method takes an integer parameter numResources, which represents the number of resources to be allocated. It then proceeds to allocate the specified number of resources by adding them to the _resources list.

The vulnerability here is that there are no checks on the value of numResources. An attacker could potentially call this method with an extremely large value, causing the system to allocate a large number of resource objects, potentially leading to system slowdown or even a crash due to excessive resource consumption. This is an example of the Improper Resource Allocation vulnerability.


  • Implement proper resource management techniques.
  • Use efficient algorithms for resource allocation.
  • Validate and limit user input to prevent excessive resource allocation.
  • Consider implementing resource pooling or recycling mechanisms.
  • Monitor resource usage and implement appropriate controls to prevent resource exhaustion.

Compliant code

        public class ResourceController : Controller
    private const int MaxResources = 1000; // Maximum resources that can be allocated at once
    private List _resources;

    public ResourceController()
        _resources = new List();

    public IActionResult AllocateResources(int numResources)
        if (numResources < 0 || numResources > MaxResources)
            return BadRequest("Invalid number of resources requested");

        for (int i = 0; i < numResources; i++)
            _resources.Add(new Resource());

        return Ok("Resources allocated successfully");

public class Resource
    // This class represents a resource that might be expensive to allocate
    // For simplicity, it's empty in this example

The updated code includes a constant MaxResources that defines the maximum number of resources that can be allocated at once. This is a form of input validation that prevents excessive resource allocation based on user input.

In the AllocateResources method, we first check if the requested number of resources is within the acceptable range (0 to MaxResources). If the input is invalid, we return a BadRequest response, which informs the client that the request was incorrect.

This approach ensures that the system does not allocate more resources than it can handle, preventing potential resource exhaustion. It also provides a basic form of input validation, which is a crucial aspect of secure programming.

In a more complex system, you might also consider implementing resource pooling or recycling mechanisms, which can further improve the efficiency of resource management. Additionally, monitoring resource usage and implementing appropriate controls can help prevent resource exhaustion and ensure the system's stability and performance.
