Race condition - C-Sharp

Race condition - C-Sharp


Prevention of race conditions and ensuring consistent and predictable system behavior.


  • Usage of C# for building robust and scalable applications
  • Usage of System.Threading.Tasks for asynchronous programming in .NET


Non compliant code

        public class RaceConditionExample
    private int counter = 0;

    public async Task IncrementCounterAsync()
        int temp = counter;
        await Task.Delay(1); // Simulate some processing time
        counter = temp + 1;
        return counter;

In the above code, we have a simple class RaceConditionExample with a method IncrementCounterAsync(). This method reads the value of counter, waits for a moment (simulating some processing time), and then increments counter.

The vulnerability here is a race condition. In a multithreaded environment like ASP.NET Core, multiple threads could be executing IncrementCounterAsync() simultaneously. If two threads read the value of counter at the same time, they might both read the same value, increment it, and then write back the result. This means that although IncrementCounterAsync() was called twice, counter was only incremented once. This is a classic example of a race condition.

For example, consider the following sequence of events:

- Thread 1 reads counter (value is 0)
- Thread 2 reads counter (value is 0)
- Thread 1 increments counter and writes back the result (value is 1)
- Thread 2 increments counter and writes back the result (value is 1)

Although IncrementCounterAsync() was called twice, counter was only incremented once. The system presents unexpected behavior when the inputs of a specific functionality do not arrive in the expected order.


  • Identify the critical section of code where the race condition is occurring.
  • Implement a synchronization mechanism to ensure that only one thread can access the critical section at a time.
  • Use locks or mutexes to protect the critical section from concurrent access.
  • Consider using thread-safe data structures or techniques to avoid race conditions.
  • Test the fixed code thoroughly to ensure that the race condition is resolved.

Compliant code

        public class RaceConditionExample
    private int counter = 0;
    private readonly object lockObject = new object();

    public int IncrementCounter()
        lock (lockObject)
            int temp = counter;
            Thread.Sleep(1); // Simulate some processing time
            counter = temp + 1;
            return counter;

The original code had a race condition vulnerability. This was due to the asynchronous nature of the IncrementCounterAsync method. If two threads were to call this method at the same time, they could both read the value of counter before either had a chance to increment it. This would result in counter only being incremented once, rather than twice.

The fixed code resolves this issue by introducing a lock. The lockObject is used to ensure that only one thread can enter the critical section of code at a time. This critical section is the part of the code where counter is read and then written to. By ensuring that only one thread can access this section at a time, we eliminate the race condition.

The async keyword and Task return type were removed from the IncrementCounter method. This is because the lock keyword in C# is not compatible with async methods. If you need to keep the method asynchronous, consider using a SemaphoreSlim for synchronization instead of lock.

The Thread.Sleep(1) is used to simulate some processing time. This is not necessary in a real-world application and can be removed.

Finally, it's important to thoroughly test the fixed code to ensure that the race condition is indeed resolved. This can be done by calling IncrementCounter from multiple threads at the same time and checking that the final value of counter is as expected.
