Prevent unauthorized password change
def change_password(conn, %{'security_code' => _security_code, 'new_password' => new_password}) do
user = conn.assigns.current_user
user = User.changeset(user, %{password: new_password})
send_resp(conn, :ok, 'Password updated')
In the insecure code example, the server changes the user's password without verifying the security code provided by the user. This allows an attacker to change a user's password without the correct security code.
def change_password(conn, %{'security_code' => security_code, 'new_password' => new_password}) do
user = conn.assigns.current_user
if check_security_code(user, security_code) do
user = User.changeset(user, %{password: new_password})
send_resp(conn, :ok, 'Password updated')
send_resp(conn, :unauthorized, 'Incorrect security code')
In the secure code example, the server first checks if the provided security code matches the one stored in the database for that user. If it does not, the server returns an 'Unauthorized' response. This ensures that an attacker can't change a user's password without the correct security code.