Insecure File Upload - Elixir

Insecure File Upload - Elixir


Prevent upload of files with double extensions or unsafe extensions


  • Usage of Elixir (v1.10+) for building scalable and fault-tolerant applications
  • Usage of Plug.Upload for file handling


Non compliant code

        def upload_file(conn, %{"file" => %Plug.Upload{} = upload}) do
  {:ok, file_path} = File.cp(upload.path, "/uploads/#{upload.filename}")
  send_resp(conn, 200, "File Uploaded Successfully")

The code above is vulnerable as it accepts any uploaded file without validating its extension or content. This can allow an attacker to upload a file with a double extension or an unsafe extension like .html, .php, .exe, or files containing malicious code.


  • Add a validation function to check the file's extension and ensure it's in a list of safe extensions.
  • Use an antivirus software API to scan the uploaded file for malicious content before saving it to the server.
  • Ensure the 'Content-Type' of the file matches the file's extension.

Compliant code

        def upload_file(conn, %{"file" => %Plug.Upload{} = upload}) do
  allowed_extensions = ~w(.jpg .jpeg .png)
  file_extension = Path.extname(upload.filename)
  if file_extension in allowed_extensions and antivirus_scan(upload.path) do
    {:ok, file_path} = File.cp(upload.path, "/uploads/#{upload.filename}")
    send_resp(conn, 200, "File Uploaded Successfully")
    send_resp(conn, 400, "Invalid File")

defp antivirus_scan(file_path) do
  # Call antivirus API

The secure code validates the uploaded file's extension and ensures it's in a list of allowed extensions. It also scans the file for any malicious content using an antivirus software API. This effectively mitigates the risk of uploading files with double extensions, unsafe extensions, or files containing malicious code.
