To secure the information transmitted between the client and the server using cryptographically secure algorithms.
defmodule MyApp.Encryption do
def encrypt(data) do
{:ok, key} = Plug.Crypto.KeyGenerator.generate(:dsa, {1024, 160}, :sha)
{:ok, cipher} = :crypto.block_encrypt(:des, key, data)
{:ok, cipher}
This code is vulnerable because it uses the DSA encryption algorithm which is considered insecure. It could allow an attacker to decrypt the information transmitted between the client and the server.
defmodule MyApp.Encryption do
def encrypt(data) do
{:ok, key} = Plug.Crypto.KeyGenerator.generate(:rsa, :sha256)
{:ok, cipher} = :crypto.block_encrypt(:aes, key, data)
{:ok, cipher}
In this secure code example, we've replaced the DSA encryption algorithm with RSA, which is considered secure. We've also switched the symmetric encryption algorithm from DES to AES.