Security Controls Bypass or Absence - Data Creation - Elixir

Security Controls Bypass or Absence - Data Creation - Elixir


Prevent the creation of more than four beneficiaries per policy


  • Usage of Elixir 1.12 for building scalable and concurrent applications
  • Usage of Phoenix Framework 1.6 for web development


Non compliant code

        def create(conn, %{"policy" => policy_params, "beneficiaries" => beneficiaries_params}) do
  |> Policy.changeset(policy_params)
  |> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:beneficiaries, with: &Beneficiary.changeset/2)
  |> Repo.insert()
  send_resp(conn, :ok, "Policy created successfully")

This insecure code example shows an Elixir Phoenix application that creates a new policy with associated beneficiaries. However, there's no validation on the server side to restrict the number of beneficiaries created per policy. This allows for unlimited beneficiaries to be associated with a single policy, bypassing the intended restriction.


  • Add a validation check to restrict the number of beneficiaries associated with each policy to four
  • Return an error response if more than four beneficiaries are provided

Compliant code

        def create(conn, %{"policy" => policy_params, "beneficiaries" => beneficiaries_params}) do
  if Enum.count(beneficiaries_params) > 4 do
    send_resp(conn, :bad_request, "Cannot associate more than 4 beneficiaries with a policy")
    |> Policy.changeset(policy_params)
    |> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:beneficiaries, with: &Beneficiary.changeset/2)
    |> Repo.insert()
    send_resp(conn, :ok, "Policy created successfully")

In this secure code example, a validation function has been added to the controller. This function checks the length of the beneficiaries list before the policy is created. If more than four beneficiaries are associated with a policy, it returns an error response.
