Insecure object reference - User deletion - Elixir

Insecure object reference - User deletion - Elixir


Protecting user data and ensuring application integrity


  • Usage of Elixir (v1.10+) for building scalable and fault-tolerant applications
  • Usage of Plug and Cowboy for HTTP request and response handling
  • Usage of Ecto for data persistence


Non compliant code

        def delete_user(conn, %{'id' => id}) do
  Repo.delete!(User |> Repo.get!(id))
  send_resp(conn, 204, "")

In this vulnerable code snippet, the application is deleting a user based on the provided id without checking if the authenticated user has the necessary permissions to perform the operation.


  • Check the role of the current user before performing any destructive operations.
  • Only allow users with the necessary permissions to delete other users.
  • If a user without the necessary permissions tries to delete a user, return a 403 Forbidden status code.

Compliant code

        def delete_user(conn, %{'id' => id}) do
  case conn.assigns.current_user.role do
    :admin -> 
      Repo.delete!(User |> Repo.get!(id))
      send_resp(conn, 204, "")
    _ ->
      send_resp(conn, 403, "Forbidden")

In this secure version, before deleting a user, the application checks if the current user has the 'admin' role. If the user doesn't have the necessary permissions, the application returns a 403 Forbidden status code.
