To securely generate OTP and protect it from interception by attackers
defmodule MyApp.ClientSideOTP do
def generate_otp do
otp = :rand.uniform(100000..999999)
In this insecure code example, the OTP is generated on the client side, which means that it can be intercepted before it even reaches the server. If the OTP is intercepted, an attacker can continue the application flow without having access to the phone number.
defmodule MyApp.ServerSideOTP do
def generate_otp do
otp = :rand.uniform(100000..999999)
Plug.Conn.put_session(conn, :otp, otp)
def validate_otp(conn, input_otp) do
session_otp = Plug.Conn.get_session(conn, :otp)
input_otp == session_otp
In this secure code example, the OTP is generated and stored on the server side. When validating the OTP, it's compared directly with the OTP stored in the server-side session, which prevents interception and unauthorized application flow continuation.