Insecure service configuration - PHP

Insecure service configuration - PHP


Secure service configuration to prevent XSS attacks


  • Requirement of PHP 7.0 or later for running the application
  • Usage of Laravel framework for PHP web development


Non compliant code


This is a simple route in a Laravel application that accepts a user ID from the URL and returns a string. The problem with this route is that it does not validate the incoming request, which means that it could be susceptible to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.

In an XSS attack, an attacker can inject malicious scripts into webpages viewed by other users. These scripts can be used to steal sensitive information like session cookies, or perform other malicious actions.

In this case, an attacker could potentially inject a script into the 'id' parameter of the URL. This script would then be executed whenever a user visits the URL.

This vulnerability could be mitigated by implementing request validation in the route. Laravel provides several ways to validate incoming requests, such as using the validate method or Form Request Validation.


  • Identify all places in your code where user input is directly used in responses.
  • Implement input validation to ensure that the user input is safe to use. This could be done by using Laravel's built-in validation rules or by creating custom validation rules.
  • Use Laravel's built-in functions for escaping output to prevent XSS attacks. For example, use the 'e' function to escape output, or use the `{{ }}` syntax in Blade templates, which automatically escapes output.
  • Configure your server to use a request validation mode. This can be done in the server configuration files. The request validation mode should be set to a value that provides a level of protection that is appropriate for your application.
  • Regularly update your Laravel framework to the latest version to benefit from the latest security patches and improvements.

Compliant code

         $id], [
            'id' => 'required|integer',

        if ($validatedData->fails()) {
            return response()->json($validatedData->errors(), 400);

        return 'User '.e($id);

The above code is a fixed version of the Laravel route that was previously vulnerable to XSS attacks. Here's a breakdown of the changes:

1. Input Validation: We use Laravel's built-in Validator facade to validate the user input. In this case, we ensure that the 'id' is a required field and is an integer. If the validation fails, a JSON response containing the validation errors is returned with a 400 status code.

                $validatedData = Validator::make(['id' => $id], [
        'id' => 'required|integer',

if ($validatedData->fails()) { return response()->json($validatedData->errors(), 400); }

2. Output Escaping: We use Laravel's e function to escape the output. This prevents any malicious scripts from being executed if they were somehow injected into the 'id' parameter.

                return 'User '.e($id);

By implementing these changes, we can prevent XSS attacks and ensure that our application is secure. Remember to also configure your server to use a request validation mode and regularly update your Laravel framework to benefit from the latest security patches and improvements.
