Use of an insecure channel - HTTP - PHP

Use of an insecure channel - HTTP - PHP


Secure transmission of client information


  • Requirement of PHP 7.0 or later for running the application
  • Usage of Laravel framework for building web applications


Non compliant code

        Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

This Laravel routing code is an example of a vulnerability where an insecure HTTP channel is being used. This code is responsible for handling the root route ("/") of your application and returning the 'welcome' view.

The vulnerability lies in the use of the HTTP protocol (port 80) instead of HTTPS (port 443). Therefore, any data that is transmitted between the client and the server is not encrypted. This means that sensitive information such as login credentials, personal information, or confidential data can be intercepted and read in plain text by malicious third parties.

This is a serious security flaw as it exposes your users' data and your application to potential threats. It is highly recommended to switch to HTTPS, which encrypts the data between the client and the server, making it much more difficult for attackers to intercept and read the data.


  • Switch from HTTP to HTTPS, which is a secure protocol that uses SSL/TLS encryption.
  • Obtain a SSL/TLS certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).
  • Install and configure the SSL/TLS certificate on your server.
  • Update your application to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
  • Redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS to ensure secure communication.
  • Test the application to ensure that HTTPS is working correctly.

Compliant code

        // Old vulnerable code
Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

// Fixed code
Route::get('/', function () {
    return redirect()->secure('welcome');

The original code was vulnerable because it was using HTTP, an insecure protocol, to transmit client information. This could potentially allow attackers to capture credentials and confidential information in plain text.

The fixed code now uses HTTPS, a secure protocol that uses SSL/TLS encryption. This ensures that all client information is transmitted securely.

The redirect()->secure('welcome') function in Laravel automatically redirects the user to the HTTPS protocol, ensuring that all subsequent communication is secure.

In addition to this code change, you should also ensure that you have a valid SSL/TLS certificate installed and configured on your server. This certificate is used to encrypt the data that is transmitted between the client and the server.

Finally, you should also configure your server to automatically redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS. This ensures that even if a user manually types in a URL using HTTP, they will be automatically redirected to the secure HTTPS protocol.

After making these changes, you should thoroughly test your application to ensure that HTTPS is working correctly.
