Improper resource allocation - Python

Improper resource allocation - Python


Efficient resource allocation and management


  • Usage of Python 3 for writing and executing Python code
  • Usage of Django for building web applications in Python


Non compliant code

        from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views import View

class ResourceAllocationView(View):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # Get the number of resources to allocate from the user input
        num_resources = int(request.GET.get('num_resources', 0))

        # Allocate resources
        resources = ['Resource' for _ in range(num_resources)]

        return HttpResponse('Resources allocated successfully.')

In the above piece of code, we have a Django view named ResourceAllocationView. This view has a GET method that takes a parameter num_resources from the user input. This parameter determines the number of resources to be allocated.

The line resources = ['Resource' for _ in range(num_resources)] is where the resources are allocated. Here, a list of 'Resource' strings is created, with the length of the list being equal to num_resources.

The vulnerability lies in the fact that there is no restriction or validation on the value of num_resources. A user can input an extremely large number, causing the application to attempt to allocate an enormous amount of resources. This can lead to a Denial of Service (DoS) as the system may run out of resources, or it can significantly slow down the system, affecting its performance and availability. This is an example of an improper resource allocation vulnerability.


  • Validate the user input to ensure it's within an acceptable range. This can be done by setting a maximum limit for the 'num_resources' parameter.
  • Implement error handling to catch any exceptions that may occur during the resource allocation process.
  • Consider using a more efficient data structure or algorithm to allocate resources if the number of resources is large.
  • Implement a mechanism to monitor and control the amount of resources being allocated to prevent resource exhaustion.
  • Consider using a rate limiting strategy to limit the number of resource allocation requests a user can make within a certain time period.

Compliant code

        from django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse
from django.views import View

class ResourceAllocationView(View):
    MAX_RESOURCES = 1000  # Maximum limit for resource allocation

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            # Get the number of resources to allocate from the user input
            num_resources = int(request.GET.get('num_resources', 0))

            # Validate the user input
            if num_resources < 0 or num_resources > self.MAX_RESOURCES:
                return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid number of resources requested.'}, status=400)

            # Allocate resources
            resources = ['Resource' for _ in range(num_resources)]

            return HttpResponse('Resources allocated successfully.')
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({'error': str(e)}, status=500)

The updated code includes several improvements to address the improper resource allocation vulnerability:

1. Input Validation: The number of resources requested by the user ( num_resources) is validated to ensure it's within an acceptable range (0 to MAX_RESOURCES). If the user requests a number of resources outside this range, the server responds with a 400 Bad Request error.

2. Error Handling: The resource allocation process is wrapped in a try-except block to catch any exceptions that may occur. If an exception is raised, the server responds with a 500 Internal Server Error and includes the exception message in the response.

3. Resource Allocation: The resources are allocated using a list comprehension, which is a more efficient way to create a list of a certain size in Python.

4. Rate Limiting and Resource Monitoring: These features are not implemented in the provided code, but they should be considered in a production environment. Rate limiting can be implemented using Django's caching framework or a third-party library like django-ratelimit. Resource monitoring can be implemented using a tool like Prometheus or Datadog.

Please note that the actual maximum limit for resource allocation ( MAX_RESOURCES) and the specific rate limiting and resource monitoring solutions should be chosen based on the specific requirements and constraints of your application.
