Incomplete funcional code - Ruby

Incomplete funcional code - Ruby


Ensuring complete and secure code functionality


  • Usage of Ruby programming language for web development
  • Usage of File for reading and writing files in Node.js


Non compliant code

        # This is a simulation of the binary file
binary_data ='secret.bin')

In the code snippet above, the binary file secret.bin is read into the binary_data variable. This file contains sensitive information that is not encrypted.

Without the corresponding source code, it is difficult to understand how this file is used within the application, which makes it difficult to identify potential vulnerabilities or malicious actions.

Moreover, storing sensitive information without encryption is a serious security risk. If an attacker gains access to this file, they can easily read and misuse the information it contains.

In addition, binary files in repositories can be a risk, as they can be used to hide malicious code or vulnerabilities. If these files are not properly reviewed and managed, they can introduce serious security issues into the application.

To fix this vulnerability, it is recommended to always include the source code for all files in the repository, encrypt all sensitive information, and regularly review and manage all binary files in the repository.


  • Identify the purpose and origin of the binary file 'secret.bin'.
  • Determine if the binary file is necessary for the application's functionality.
  • If the binary file is necessary, ensure that it is securely stored and accessed.
  • If the binary file contains sensitive information, encrypt it before storing it.
  • Consider using a secure key management system to protect the encryption keys.
  • Regularly review and update the security measures for handling binary files.
  • Implement proper access controls to restrict unauthorized access to the binary file.
  • Consider using a secure file storage solution or a dedicated file server for storing binary files.
  • Perform regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify any potential vulnerabilities in the binary file handling process.
  • Ensure that the source code for all binary files is included in the repository to facilitate code review and analysis.

Compliant code

        require 'openssl'
require 'base64'

# Define the encryption key and initialization vector
key ='aes-256-cbc').random_key
iv ='aes-256-cbc').random_iv

# Create a cipher for encryption
cipher ='aes-256-cbc')
cipher.key = key
cipher.iv = iv

# Read the binary file
binary_data ='secret.bin')

# Encrypt the binary data
encrypted_data = cipher.update(binary_data) +

# Encode the encrypted data
encoded_data = Base64.encode64(encrypted_data)

# Write the encoded data to a new file
File.write('encrypted_secret.bin', encoded_data)

The above code fixes the vulnerability by encrypting the binary file before storing it.

First, it generates a random encryption key and initialization vector using the OpenSSL library.

Then, it creates a new cipher for AES-256-CBC encryption and sets the key and initialization vector.

After that, it reads the binary file 'secret.bin' and encrypts the data using the cipher.

The encrypted data is then encoded using Base64 to ensure that it can be safely stored as a string.

Finally, the encoded data is written to a new file 'encrypted_secret.bin'.

This way, even if someone manages to access the binary file, they won't be able to understand its contents without the encryption key.

Remember to securely store the encryption key and initialization vector, and to implement proper access controls to restrict unauthorized access to the binary file.

Also, consider using a secure file storage solution or a dedicated file server for storing binary files, and perform regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify any potential vulnerabilities in the binary file handling process.

Lastly, ensure that the source code for all binary files is included in the repository to facilitate code review and analysis.
