Improper resource allocation - Scala

Improper resource allocation - Scala


Efficient resource allocation and management


  • Usage of Scala for building scalable and functional applications
  • Usage of play.api.mvc for handling HTTP requests and responses in Play Framework


Non compliant code

        import play.api.mvc._

def allocateResources = Action { request =>
    val resourceCount = request.getQueryString("resourceCount").getOrElse("0").toInt

    // Allocate resources based on user input without any restriction
    val resources = new Array[Int](resourceCount)

    Ok("Resources allocated")

The above code is a simple action in a Play framework application written in Scala. The action allocateResources is designed to allocate an array of integers based on a query string parameter resourceCount from the incoming request.

The vulnerability lies in the fact that the application does not impose any restrictions on the value of resourceCount. As a result, an attacker could potentially cause a Denial of Service (DoS) attack by sending a request with an extremely large value for resourceCount, which would cause the application to try to allocate an enormous amount of resources, potentially exhausting system memory.

This vulnerability is an example of Improper Resource Allocation. By allowing user input to directly influence the amount of resources allocated, the application opens itself up to potential abuse. This could lead to performance issues, crashes, or in the worst case, allow an attacker to cause a DoS attack.


  • Validate and sanitize user input to ensure it is within acceptable limits.
  • Implement resource allocation limits to prevent excessive resource allocation.
  • Consider using a more efficient data structure or algorithm for resource allocation.
  • Monitor resource usage and implement mechanisms to detect and handle resource exhaustion.
  • Implement proper error handling and logging to identify and address any resource allocation issues.

Compliant code

        import play.api.mvc._

// Define a maximum limit for resource allocation

def allocateResources = Action { request =>
    val resourceCount = request.getQueryString("resourceCount").getOrElse("0").toInt

    // Validate user input and limit resource allocation
    if (resourceCount > MAX_RESOURCE_COUNT) {
        BadRequest("Resource count exceeds maximum limit")
    } else {
        // Allocate resources based on user input
        val resources = new Array[Int](resourceCount)

        Ok("Resources allocated")

The updated code introduces a maximum limit for resource allocation ( MAX_RESOURCE_COUNT). This limit is used to validate the user input and prevent excessive resource allocation. If the requested resource count exceeds the maximum limit, the server responds with a BadRequest status, indicating that the request is invalid.

The allocateResources function retrieves the resource count from the request query string. If the query string does not contain a resourceCount parameter, the function defaults to 0. The function then checks if the requested resource count exceeds the maximum limit. If it does, the function responds with a BadRequest status. Otherwise, it allocates the requested number of resources and responds with an Ok status.

This approach ensures that the system does not allocate unnecessary resources due to improper programming practices or inefficient algorithms. It also prevents an external source (e.g., user input) from controlling the allocation without any restriction. This way, the system can handle requests that consume an enormous amount of resources more efficiently and securely.
