Mitigation of message flooding attacks
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.json._
class MessageController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {
def sendMassMessages = Action { request =>
val json = request.body.asJson.get
val emailList = (json \\ "emails").as[List[String]]
val message = (json \\ "message").as[String]
emailList.foreach { email =>
// Sending email without any rate limiting or restrictions
sendEmail(email, message)
Ok("Emails sent")
def sendEmail(email: String, message: String): Unit = {
// Code to send email
The above Scala code uses the Play framework to define a
that has a
method. This method can be exploited to send mass messages to the phone numbers and emails of the victims, causing saturation of the inbox and consuming resources of the user.
method reads a JSON payload from the request body, which contains a list of emails and a message. It then sends the message to all the emails in the list without any restrictions or rate limiting.
This means that an attacker could potentially send a large number of requests with different email lists, causing a flood of messages to be sent. This could result in a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, where the victims' inboxes are saturated with messages, consuming their resources and potentially causing their email service to become unavailable.
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.concurrent.Future
class MessageController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {
private val MAX_EMAILS_PER_MINUTE = 100
private var emailsSentLastMinute = 0
def sendMassMessages = Action.async { request =>
val json = request.body.asJson.get
val emailList = (json \\ "emails").as[List[String]]
val message = (json \\ "message").as[String]
if (emailsSentLastMinute + emailList.size > MAX_EMAILS_PER_MINUTE) {
Future.successful(TooManyRequests("Too many emails sent. Please try again later."))
} else {
emailsSentLastMinute += emailList.size
Future.sequence( { email =>
// Sending email with rate limiting
sendEmail(email, message)
}).map { _ =>
Ok("Emails sent")
def sendEmail(email: String, message: String): Future[Unit] = {
// Code to send email
The updated code includes a rate limiting mechanism to prevent message flooding. The
constant defines the maximum number of emails that can be sent per minute. The
variable keeps track of how many emails have been sent in the last minute.
Before sending the emails, the code checks if the number of emails to be sent plus the number of emails already sent in the last minute exceeds the maximum limit. If it does, a
response is returned, indicating that the user should try again later.
If the limit is not exceeded, the emails are sent and the
counter is updated.
function now returns a
, allowing the emails to be sent asynchronously. This prevents the server from being blocked while the emails are being sent.
functions are used to handle the asynchronous operations. The
function transforms a list of futures into a single future that will be completed when all the futures in the list are completed.
This solution not only prevents message flooding but also improves the performance of the server by sending the emails asynchronously.