Prevention of unauthorized access and manipulation of restricted fields
import play.api.mvc._
def updateEmployee() = Action { implicit request =>
val body: AnyContent = request.body
val jsonBody: Option[JsValue] = body.asJson { json =>
val id = (json \\ "id").as[String]
val name = (json \\ "name").as[String]
val email = (json \\ "email").as[String]
val dob = (json \\ "dob").as[String]
val address = (json \\ "address").as[String]
val phone = (json \\ "phone").as[String]
Employee.update(id, name, email, dob, address, phone)
Ok("Employee updated")
}.getOrElse {
BadRequest("Expecting application/json request body")
In the above code, we have a function
which is used to update the information of an employee. This function is vulnerable to restricted fields manipulation as it blindly trusts the incoming request and updates the employee information without checking the authenticity of the request.
The function first extracts the JSON body from the request. It then extracts the employee id, name, email, date of birth, address, and phone number from the JSON. It uses these extracted values to update the employee information in the database.
The vulnerability here is that there is no check to ensure that the request is coming from an authorized source. This means that an attacker could send a request with manipulated fields, such as a different employee id, and the function would update the information of the employee with that id, not the one who initiated the request. This could lead to unauthorized access and manipulation of sensitive employee data.
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.json._
def updateEmployee() = Action { implicit request =>
val body: AnyContent = request.body
val jsonBody: Option[JsValue] = body.asJson { json =>
val id = (json \\ "id").as[String]
val name = (json \\ "name").as[String]
val email = (json \\ "email").as[String]
val dob = (json \\ "dob").as[String]
val address = (json \\ "address").as[String]
val phone = (json \\ "phone").as[String]
// Check if the user is authenticated and authorized to update the employee information
if (isUserAuthenticatedAndAuthorized(request, id)) {
// Validate the input fields
if (validateInputFields(id, name, email, dob, address, phone)) {
// Use parameterized query to prevent SQL injection
Employee.update(id, name, email, dob, address, phone)
Ok("Employee updated")
} else {
BadRequest("Invalid input fields")
} else {
Unauthorized("You are not authorized to update this employee information")
}.getOrElse {
BadRequest("Expecting application/json request body")
def isUserAuthenticatedAndAuthorized(request: Request[AnyContent], employeeId: String): Boolean = {
// Implement your authentication and authorization logic here
def validateInputFields(id: String, name: String, email: String, dob: String, address: String, phone: String): Boolean = {
// Implement your input validation logic here
The updated code now includes checks for user authentication and authorization. The function
isUserAuthenticatedAndAuthorized(request, id)
is used to check if the user making the request is authenticated and authorized to update the employee information. This function should contain your logic for checking the user's authentication status and their permissions.
The code also includes input validation. The function
validateInputFields(id, name, email, dob, address, phone)
is used to validate the input fields in the request body. This function should contain your logic for validating the input fields, such as checking if all the required fields are present and if the field values are of the expected data types.
Employee.update(id, name, email, dob, address, phone)
function call is now inside an if statement that checks if the user is authenticated and authorized and if the input fields are valid. This ensures that the employee information is only updated if these conditions are met.
The code also returns appropriate HTTP status codes and messages based on the result of the authentication, authorization, and input validation checks. This provides the client with more information about the result of their request.
Finally, the code still returns a
status code and message if the request body is not in the expected JSON format.