Secure session management and protection against CSRF fixation
import play.api.mvc._
class TransactionController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {
def createTransaction() = Action.async { implicit request =>
val publicKey = request.headers.get("Authorization").getOrElse("")
val transaction = request.body.asJson.get.toString()
// Creating a transaction with the provided public key
Transaction.create(publicKey, transaction).map { transactionId =>
Ok(Json.obj("transactionId" -> transactionId))
In the above code, the
method in
is handling the creation of transactions. Here, the public key is being fetched from the "Authorization" header and is used to create a transaction.
The vulnerability lies in the fact that the public key is always the same for payment links. This means that an attacker could potentially create a button with the content of a request and trick a user into running a transaction, receive the app push notification, and complete the request.
This is a CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) vulnerability, where an attacker tricks a victim into performing actions that the victim did not intend to do. This can lead to potential unauthorized actions being performed on behalf of the victim.
In this case, the attacker could trick a user into creating a transaction without the user's knowledge or consent. The use of a static public key in the "Authorization" header makes it easier for an attacker to carry out this attack.
import play.api.mvc._
import play.filters.csrf._
import play.filters.csrf.CSRF.Token
class TransactionController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents, csrfAddToken: CSRFAddToken, csrfCheck: CSRFCheck) extends AbstractController(cc) {
def createTransaction() = csrfAddToken {
Action.async { implicit request =>
val publicKey = request.headers.get("Authorization").getOrElse("")
val transaction = request.body.asJson.get.toString()
// Get CSRF token from the request
val csrfToken = CSRF.getToken(request).getOrElse("")
// Verify the CSRF token
if (csrfToken.value.nonEmpty && csrfToken.value == transaction.csrfToken) {
// Creating a transaction with the provided public key
Transaction.create(publicKey, transaction).map { transactionId =>
Ok(Json.obj("transactionId" -> transactionId))
} else {
Future.successful(BadRequest("Invalid CSRF token"))
The updated code includes CSRF protection for the
method in the
classes are injected into the controller. These classes are used to add CSRF tokens to requests and to check the validity of CSRF tokens in requests, respectively.
In the
method, the
action composition is used to add a CSRF token to the request. The CSRF token is then retrieved from the request using the
The retrieved CSRF token is compared with the CSRF token included in the transaction data. If the tokens match, the transaction is created. If the tokens do not match, a
response is returned with the message "Invalid CSRF token".
This approach ensures that a unique CSRF token is included in each request that modifies state, and that this token is verified on the server-side. This helps to prevent CSRF fixation attacks.
In addition, consider using the
attribute for cookies to further mitigate CSRF attacks. Regularly update and patch the Play framework and its dependencies to stay protected against known vulnerabilities.