Password policies | Fluid Attacks Help

Password policies


The objective of this document is to reflect the measures and configurations implemented to comply with the password policy established by Fluid Attacks. These measures are intended to ensure the strength and protection of passwords used in the system, following recommended security best practices.


The internal password management policy at Fluid Attacks has been established to guarantee the security and protection of the organization's data and systems. Below are the specifications and configurations implemented:
  1. Minimum password length: Passwords must have a minimum length of 16 characters to increase complexity and resistance to brute force attacks.
  2. Character requirements: Passwords are required to contain at least 1 lowercase character, 1 uppercase character, 1 numeric character, and 1 special character. This helps diversify the elements that can be part of a password.
  3. Password lifetime: A minimum password lifetime of 120 minutes and a maximum password lifetime of 30 days are established. This means users must change their passwords at least every 30 days, and passwords will automatically expire after 30 days.
  4. Password expiration notification: Users will receive a notification 5 days before their password expires, reminding them to change it.
  5. Password history count: A history of the previous 24 passwords is recorded to prevent the reuse of recent passwords.
  6. Account locking after failed attempts: After 10 failed attempts, the user's account will be automatically locked to prevent brute force attacks.
  7. Automatic unlock time: After a lockout, the account will automatically unlock after 10 minutes.
  8. Secure password verification: Passwords are checked to ensure they do not contain the username, first and last name, or common words to avoid the use of predictable passwords.
  9. Password recovery: Password recovery is enabled through email and recovery questions to assist users in resetting their passwords in case of forgetting.
  10. Account lockout notification: Users will be notified by email if their account is locked due to failed attempts.
  11. Email recovery token lifetime: The token sent for password recovery via email will expire after 60 minutes to ensure security.


In this section, we detail the configurations implemented to comply with the password policy established by Fluid Attacks. These configurations aim to ensure the strength and protection of passwords used in the system, following recommended security best practices.

The Fluid Attacks default password policy

Password Configuration in the Terraform file and Terraform reference for further documentation.

With these implemented measures, we aim to ensure the strength and protection of passwords used in the system, following the recommended security best practices by Fluid Attacks.


  1. 129. Validate previous passwords
  2. 130. Limit password lifespan
  3. 226. Avoid account lockouts