As a company, ensuring the integrity of the services we provide to our users is vitally important. Therefore, when we delete a group on our platform, we retain specific data that contains valuable information about the history of that group, always respecting and guaranteeing the confidentiality of this information. This practice is essential to maintain the integrity of our operations and services. It reinforces our ability to provide quality service.
We will show below which fields are kept in our database after deleting a group in our platform.
From the organization and group created:
Creation date
State info: i.e. active services, modification dates
Code languages info: i.e LOC
From registered repositories:
Creation date
Code languages info
Type: i.e git repository, URL, IP
From the TOE surface (lines, ports):
Attack date
Attacker email
First attack date
Whether it has vulnerabilities
Discovery date
For ToE Lines:
Lines of Code
Attacked Lines
Sorts risk level
Of the typologies found (findings):
Severity: CVSS v3.1 vector string, base and temporal score, CVSSF
Hacker email
State info
Of the vulnerabilities found (locations):
Type: i.e. input, line, port
Severity: CVSS v3.1 vector string, base and temporal score, CVSSF
Machine method, if applies
Info regarding state, treatments, verifications y "zero risk" requests
Of the events in the group:
Creation date
Created by (email)
Event date
Hacker email
Solution reason
Solving date
State info
We do not store any information related to: