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Visual Studio Code


VSCode is the code editor used by Fluid Attacks' engineering team.

The main reasons why we chose it over other alternatives are:

  1. It is Open source.
  2. It is a modern code editor.
  3. It supports thousands of extensions, making it very flexible.
  4. It is one of the most popular code editors in the market.
  5. Due to its popularity, developers are usually familiar with it.
  6. It provides a middle ground between a GUI-based and a keyboard-based code editor.


The following alternatives were considered but not chosen for the following reasons:


  1. VSCodium does not track telemetry compared to Microsoft's VSCode, but this is not relevant to us.
  2. Many extensions found on Microsoft's VSCode extension store are not in VSCodium, as it has its own extension store.


  1. Neovim is not as popular as VSCode.
  2. It has a much smaller extensions store.
  3. It focuses on being a keyboard-based code editor, which makes it less generic.
  4. It has a higher learning curve.


We use VSCode as the official code editor for Fluid Attacks' engineering team.