Supported frameworks | Fluid Attacks Help

Supported frameworks


Note about supported frameworks
Note: This page only lists frameworks applicable to both the Essential and Advanced plans. Advanced covers many other frameworks. Contact Fluid Attacks for detailed information about this plan.
Currently, these are the frameworks supported by Fluid Attacks' scanner:
  1. .NET
  2. .NET Core
  3. Angular
  4. ASP.NET
  5. Bootstrap
  6. Django
  7. Express
  8. FastAPI
  9. Flask
  10. Flutter
  11. Ktor
  12. Laravel
  13. Nest
  14. Next.js
  15. Node.js
  16. React.js
  17. React Native
  18. Spring Boot
  19. Spring Framework
  20. Vue.js


Note about unsupported frameworks
Note: The information below is about Fluid Attacks' scanner only.
The Fluid Attacks scanner's framework support does not currently include the following:
  1. .NET 6
  2. .NET Framework
  3. .NET MAUI
  4. .NET Standard
  5. ABP Framework
  6. AJAX
  7. Akka
  8. Android Jetpack
  9. Angular
  10. Apache Camel
  11. Apache Flex Blaze DS
  12. Apache Kafka
  13. Apache log4net
  14. Apache Shiro
  15. Apache Struts
  16. APEX
  17. ASP.NET 6
  18. ASP.NET Boilerplate
  19. ASP.NET Core
  20. ASP.NET Core MVC
  22. ATG DSP Taglib
  23. Backbone
  24. Beego
  25. Buffalo
  26. bWapp
  27. CakePHP
  28. Castle Project
  29. Classic ASP
  30. ComponentArt
  31. Cordova/PhoneGap
  32. Dropwizard
  33. DWR
  34. Eclipse Jersey
  35. Ember
  36. Enterprise Java Beans
  37. Enterprise Libraries
  38. Fastify
  39. Fiber
  40. Gin
  41. GORM
  42. Google Guice
  43. GUI Framework
  44. GWT
  45. Handlebars
  46. Hapi
  47. Hapi.JS
  48. Hibernate
  49. HTTP4S
  50. iBatis
  51. Ionic
  52. Infragistics
  53. Iris
  54. Jakarta EE
  55. Java EE Security API 1.0
  56. Java Persistence API
  57. JAX-RS
  58. JAX-WS
  59. jOOQ
  60. jQuery
  61. JSF/Facelets
  62. JSP
  63. JSTL FMT Taglib
  64. Knockout
  65. Koa
  66. Kony Visualizer
  67. Lightning
  68. Logrus
  69. Macaron
  70. Marko
  71. Mass Transit
  73. MISRA
  74. MyBatis
  75. Nhibernate
  76. Ninja
  77. Ocelot
  78. Orleans
  80. PhoneGap
  81. Play Framework
  82. PrimeFaces
  83. Protobuf
  84. Pug
  85. Pug (Jade)
  86. Restify
  87. Restlet
  88. Ruby on Rails
  89. SAP XS Classic and Advanced
  90. SAPUI5
  91. ServiceStack
  92. Smarty
  93. Spring Cloud
  94. Spring Data
  95. Spring JDBC
  96. Spring MVC
  97. Spring Security
  98. Spring Session
  99. Spring Vault
  100. Spring Web Flow
  101. Spring Web Services
  102. Steeltoe
  103. Struts
  104. Symfony
  105. Telerik
  106. Terasoluna
  107. Thorntail
  108. Tiles
  109. Titanium SDK
  110. Twig
  111. Velocity
  112. Vert
  113. Vertx.X (Server Side)
  114. Vision
  115. VisualForce
  116. Volley
  117. WCF Services
  118. Xamarin
  119. XS (SAP)
  120. Zend
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