Understand roles | Fluid Attacks Help

Understand roles

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Users on Fluid Attacks' platform have different roles with associated permissions relevant to work on the platform. Depending on your role, you are granted access to certain functions for your daily use of the platform.

You can see your role on Fluid Attacks' platform in the drop-down menu that appears when you click the user icon on the upper-right part of your screen.

The following are the different roles that are available on the platform, along with their descriptions.

Client roles

User Manager role

This is the role that gives the user the most privileges. This user can do everything that a client is allowed to do in the platform. This role is made for the leaders of the product and, besides the basic privileges, it allows the user to generate reports, define important treatments like accepting vulnerabilities permanently, requesting Zero Risk treatments, adding and editing users for the group and more.

User role

This is the default user role, given to developers or the members in charge of solving the vulnerabilities. This user can check all the information about the vulnerabilities needed for solving them and also request reattacks when they deem them solved.

Vulnerability Manager role

This role was designed for people with a position as technical leaders in their company. This role has access to the basic privileges on the platform and is also enabled to generate reports; get notifications; define, change and approve treatments; request reattacks, and add tags. The vulnerability manager does not have permissions to manage roots nor add, edit or remove users.

Client roles permissions

Here, you will find a detailed explanation of each functionality, organized into two levels: the group and organization levels.

Group-level permissions

  • Consulting agent token / expiration date: To verify your agent's token and know the date of expedition, go to Scope -> DevSecOps agent -> Manage Token -> Reveal token. For more information, go to the following link.

  • Update/Generate agent token: To generate or update the agent token, go to Scope -> DevSecOps agent -> Manage Token -> Generate / Reset. For more information, click on the following link.

  • Consulting agent execution: To see the agent reports executed in your pipelines or CI/CD, you can view them in the DevSecOps section of our platform.

  • Deactivate/Activate root: This function allows you to:

    1. Deactivate repositories for which you no longer want an assessment;
    2. Activate repositories you want to leave available to our analysts, and
    3. Move a root to another group, taking all the associated vulnerabilities with it.
  • Move roots: This option allows moving a root to another group. For more information about this feature, click here.

  • Add Git/IP roots: This function allows the addition of Git or IP roots to the scope of the managed group.

  • Add URL/ Environment roots: This function allows the addition of URL or Environments roots to the scope of the managed group.

  • Edit Git/IP/URL/ Environment roots: This function allows you to change URLs of roots that do not have reported vulnerabilities and edit root branches.

  • Update root state: This feature gives you the possibility to update the root state. To learn more about this section, click on the following link.

  • Sync to Git root: Request to clone that repository once again since changes have been generated and it is required to have it updated.

  • Add Exclusions: This feature allows you to choose files or folders in your repository that you do not want to include in the security assessments.

  • Delete Git Environment: Deleting an Environment is no longer part of the group analysis.

  • Add Secrets: Add usernames, passwords, email addresses, tokens, etc, that give us access to private repositories and environments.

  • Delete Secrets: Remove secrets that are no longer needed to gain root access.

  • Consulting Secrets: Visualize the secrets that this specific root has.

  • Consulting: You can communicate all the questions, requests, suggestions, and matters concerning your group or a specific vulnerability or event that require much more direct interaction.

  • Add tag Portfolio: This allows the addition of tags to the managed group, which is useful for categorizing different groups within an organization.

  • Remove tag Portfolio: This action deletes a group from a specific Portfolio. For more information click here.

  • Add/Download files: Upload or download any files you find helpful or necessary for performing penetration tests on the group.

  • Delete files: Eliminate files that are considered unnecessary in the analysis of the group.

  • Delete group: When you determine that a particular group isn't necessary anymore, you can proceed to delete. For more information on how to do this action you can enter here.

  • Update group information: To update the group information to do this action, go to Scope -> information.

  • Unsubscribe group: This action will unsubscribe you from the group no longer having access to this.

  • Update group policies: You can determine which policies you will manage at the group level.

  • Plan upgrade: If you want to upgrade your Essential plan to Advanced.

  • Add members (Group): Add members with access to the group to visualize information or manage vulnerabilities, scope, tags, etc.

  • Update member (Group): Update the information of a member, which can be Email - role or responsibility.

  • Consulting member (Group): Have access to which members are in the group.

  • Delete member (Group): Remove a member from a group.

  • Request Verification on events: This action refers to the verification of events that have already been resolved.

  • Export file in events: Download the data you have in the event section in a .csv file.

  • Approve treatments: This function is for when a treatment change is requested, as there is a need to validate and then accept or reject this request.

  • Zero risk request: According to your organization's analysis, this is a special treatment you can define as a vulnerability that poses no threat.

  • Update treatments: Update treatment of vulnerabilities.

  • Request reattacks: When a vulnerability is solved, there is the need to ask our hackers to verify that it was indeed solved. This function gives you the ability to make this kind of request.

  • Vulnerability assignment: Assign any vulnerability to a member of your team. For more information, you can access this link.

  • Add/Remove tags: Add or remove tags on vulnerabilities.

  • Add users: This function allows adding users to a group and configuring their privileges.

  • Generate a certificate: Generates a security testing certification.

  • Generate a report: This feature allows you to generate and download a complete report with detailed information about the vulnerabilities of a specific group.

  • Receive notifications: This is the ability to receive notifications that Fluid Attacks' platform can send related to your group.

  • Support channels: To have access to assistance channels.

  • Add/Edit/Remove Hooks: Add, edit or remove fields in the Hooks section. For more information, click here.

Organization-level permissions

  • Add credentials: Add credentials that help us to have access to the inputs provided by the users. For detailed information about this section, click here.

  • Delete credentials: Remove credentials for access to inputs.

  • Update credentials: Update any credentials to keep continuous and secure connectivity with inputs.

  • OAuth connection: Connection between the providers GitLab - GitHub - Bitbucket - Azure with the platform.

  • Add Outside repositories: Repositories that are not yet part of any group of the organization. You can add them in bulk or as a unit in your required group.

  • Add a Group: By creating a group, you can manage vulnerabilities by project. For more information, click here.

  • Add/Submit vulnerability for temporary acceptance in policies: Add and submit vulnerabilities that require an approval process before applying temporary acceptance treatment; for more information, click here.

  • Approve or reject vulnerability for temporary acceptance in policies: Approve or reject the vulnerabilities that were requested in the approval process prior to the application of the temporary acceptance treatment.

  • Add/Submit vulnerability for permanent acceptance in policies: Add and submit vulnerabilities to accept permanently, which would be ignored by the DevSecOps agent. For more information, click here.

  • Approve or reject vulnerability for permanent acceptance in policies: Approve or reject requests to accept vulnerabilities permanently. Approved vulnerabilities will be ignored by the DevSecOps agent, meaning it will not break the build because of them.

  • Update org policies: You can determine which policies you will manage at the organization level.

  • Add members (Org): Organization members can access the Organization's Analytics and Policies. It allows them to give access to new members or configure policies.

  • Update member (Org): Update the information of a member, which can be Email or role.

  • Consulting member (Org): Have access to which members are in the Organization.

  • Delete member (Org): Delete members of the Organization.

  • Vulnerability report Analytics: Download your organization's vulnerabilities (including all vulnerability statuses) in a .CSV file. For more information, click here.

  • Download org analytics: Download the data contained in the analytics section.

  • Add org: Creating an organization on our platform centralizes and organizes information in one place.

  • Compliance Report: Download a report of the compliance section.

Roles permissions summary table

In the following table we specify what functions are enabled for each role.

Vulnerability Manager
User Manager
Add/Edit/Remove hooks
Consult Agent token
See Agent token expiration date
Update/Generate Agent token
Consult Agent execution
Deactivate/Activate root
Move roots
Add Git/IP roots
Add URL roots
Add Git environment
Edit Git/IP roots
Edit environment roots
Edit URL roots
Delete Git environment
Update root state
Sync to Git root
Add Exclusions
Add Secrets
Delete Secrets
Consult Secrets
Add tag Portfolio
Remove tag Portfolio
Add files
Delete files
Download files
Delete group
Update group information
Unsubscribe group
Update group policies
Plan upgrade
Add members
Update member
Consult member
Delete member
Request Verification on events
Export file in events
Approve treatments
Zero risk request
Update treatments
Request reattack
Vulnerability assignment
Add/Remove tags
Add users
Generate a certificate
Generate a report
Receive notifications
Support channels
Add credentials
Delete credentials
Update credentials
OAuth connection
Add Outside repositories
Add group
Add vuln for temporary acceptance in policies
Add vuln for permanent acceptance in policies
Submit vuln for temporary acceptance in policies
Submit vuln for permanent acceptance in policies
Approve or reject vuln for temporary acceptance in policies
Approve or reject vuln for permanent acceptance in policies
Update org policies
Add members
Update member
Consult member
Delete member
Vulnerability report in Analytics
Download organization analytics
Add organization

Compliance report

Fluid Attacks staff roles

The following are the descriptions of Fluid Attacks staff roles on Fluid Attacks' platform.


The hacker is a security analyst whose main objectives are identifying, exploiting and reporting vulnerabilities in organizations' systems.


The reattacker is in charge of verifying, through diverse techniques, the effectiveness of the solutions implemented by the organizations for vulnerability remediation.

Customer Manager

The customer manager mainly provides support and streamlines processes of the organizations. For example, on the platform, they can make changes in group information, request reattacks, generate reports and manage members, among many other things.


The resourcer helps keep updated the inputs provided by the organizations, such as environment credentials and mailmap authors, among others.


The reviewer is in charge of managing the vulnerabilities that are reported to the organizations. They evaluate drafts for approval or disapproval, request reattacks and verify and notify which vulnerabilities are zero risk.


The architect's main objective is to ensure the highest quality of ethical hacking and pentesting deliverables. Among their functions are deleting false positives or errors, including or deleting evidence, and providing help to the organizations over the support channels.


The closer role is responsible for verifying whether a reattack to a vulnerability has been requested and seeing if it is solved.


The admin is the one who has all the privileges on Fluid Attacks' platform, except for the possibility to change treatments.

Fluid Attacks staff roles summary table

The following table specifies what functions are enabled for each role:

Customer Manager
Add drafts
Add events
Add roots
Approve drafts
Change treatments
Confirm/Reject Zero risk
Deactivate/Activate root
Delete groups
Edit roots
Generate a report
Manage evidence
Request reattack
Request Zero risk
Solve events
Verify reattack
Free trial messageFree trial
Search for vulnerabilities in your apps for free with Fluid Attacks' automated security testing! Start your 21-day free trial and discover the benefits of the Continuous Hacking Essential plan. If you prefer the Advanced plan, which includes the expertise of Fluid Attacks' hacking team, fill out this contact form.