Scan code with SAST
What is SAST?
Static application security testing (SAST) is a security testing technique for identifying security vulnerabilities in an application's source code. Fluid Attacks' static analysis is recommended by the App Defense Alliance Cloud Application Security ...
Security requirements by language
In this page, you can find the security requirements that Fluid Attacks assesses in code differentiating by the programming language in which the code is written. To learn about support information, read the article Supported languages, frameworks ...
Supported languages, frameworks and files in SAST
The following table shows the languages, frameworks and files supported by Fluid Attacks' static application security testing (SAST). Language Version(s) Framework(s) File extension(s) Android 7 to 14 N/A .apk Bash (Shell scripting) 4.0 to 5.2 N/A ...