Frequently asked questions about billing | Fluid Attacks Help

Billing FAQ

Why does a former employee appear on the billing list?

This situation could occur due to various factors:
  • Their commits may be integrated into the configured branch in the platform at a later stage.
  • The analyzed branch might not be the primary one and could have been added to the platform later, resulting in differences between commits across branches.
  • The repository could have been initially empty at registration, with subsequent merges of branches containing existing commits.

Can Fluid Attacks restrict the number of authors permitted to make commits to a repository?

No, repository management policies can only be configured by the repository administrator, and these policies might differ depending on the chosen platform.

Which users have permission to access the monthly author count or list?

User Managers (organization and groups), Vulnerability Managers (groups), and Users (groups).

Will an author be charged twice if they commit to different repositories within different groups?

No, the developer can make unlimited commits, regardless of the number of repositories or groups, and they will only be billed once. The charge for a single author contributing to multiple groups is divided among all participating groups, ensuring equal distribution of costs.