Assign vulnerability remediation to a team member | Fluid Attacks Help

Assign vulnerability remediation to a team member

Role requirement infoRole required: Vulnerability Manager or User Manager
Note on User role
Members with the User role can assign fix work to themselves.

Before following the instructions below, get your team members to sign up on the platform.

These are the steps to assign a developer the responsibility of remediating a vulnerability:

  1. Enter the group where the vulnerability is located and click anywhere on the row containing the name of the corresponding type of vulnerability.

    Open section of a type of vulnerability on the Fluid Attacks platformOpen section of a type of vulnerability on the Fluid Attacks platform

  2. From the table in the Locations tab, click on the row of the vulnerability you want to assign.

    Open vulnerability details window on the Fluid Attacks platform

  3. Open the Treatments tab in the pop-up window.

    Open Treatments tab on the Fluid Attacks platform

  4. Change the current value in the Treatment dropdown to In progress.

    Assign treatment to a vulnerability on the Fluid Attacks platform

  5. Choose the developer responsible for fixing the code from the Assigned dropdown and write a justification for assigning the In progress treatment.

    Assign vulnerability to a member on the Fluid Attacks platform

    You can optionally fill out the remaining fields, which are described in the Treatments page. When you are done, click on Confirm.

Go to the page Vulnerability assignment for more information.

When assigned vulnerabilities to remediate, your team can rely on Fluid Attacks for help on fixing the code.