Note: The
Priority score column of the table in Vulnerabilities derives its value from these policies, but also the root's Priority, configured
when you added the Git root. You can establish a root to be of Low, Medium, High, or Critical priority, which corresponds to 0, 50, 75, and 100 priority units, respectively. This means that if the root's Priority is marked as High, every vulnerability reported from that root will have an additional 75 units added to its corresponding Priority score. Bear in mind: The default value for the root's Priority is Low. In the case of the example in the steps above, every vulnerability that is detected through
PTaaS will be added 100 units to their Priority score. Other variables contributing to the Priority score are individual vulnerability priority given when assigning treatments and a default value derived from the CVSS score, which is calculated with this formula: (4^(CVSS-4)) / 4.096.