Sort groups into portfolios | Fluid Attacks

Sort groups into portfolios

Portfolios helps you to compare Analytics information between different groups within the same organization.

Portfolios Information

Create a portfolio

Role required: User, Vulnerability Manager or User Manager
To set up / create a portfolio, first, you must access the group you want to include in that portfolio. Go to the Scope section and look for this option. Here you will be able to add Tags to your groups (this is how the portfolio will be named).

Remember that tags can only be named with lowercase and numeric characters.

In order to create a tag, you can click on the Add button.

Portfolio Section

When you click on it, a window will show up where you can add as many tags as you want.

Add Tag

Remember that the name you give to that tag is the same name you should give to the group you want to create that Portfolio. If you want to know what is the purpose of a Portfolio section in Fluid Attacks' platform you can enter here.

When you have added the tag or tags you want, click on Confirm to create them or you can click on Cancel to dismiss them.

Note: The portfolio view is updated from Monday to Friday at 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. UTC-5
There is also the Remove button that is used to delete any tags that you already created.

Selected Tag

In order to enable this button, you need to click on one of the tags in the list. After selecting it you can click on the Remove button and the tag will be immediately deleted. Be careful in doing this action because deleting the tag removes that group from that portfolio.

Portfolios table

The table in Portfolios shows us how many and what groups are included in portfolios.

Portfolios Table

  • Portfolio: Name of the tag that each group has to create the Portfolio.
  • # of Groups: Total number of groups in the Portfolio.
  • Groups: Names of the groups that make up the Portfolio.

Inside the portfolio

When you select a portfolio of your interest you will see two tabs: Analytics and Groups.

Interested Portfolio

In the Analytics view, you can see the graphs and comparison metrics of the groups that make up this portfolio. We invite you to click here to know which charts are measured in this section.

You can see which groups make up the portfolio in the Groups view. By selecting any of these, you will be redirected to the Analytics section of this.

Portfolios Group