(ASPM) Improved mutation to add CSPM environments: Previously, adding an environment to a Git root (APK, URL, or CSPM) was handled using the same mutation, which could lead to inconsistencies. A new mutation was created to handle adding CSPM environments specifically, making the process more precise and less prone to errors.
(ASPM) Scope table:Show what Roots and Environments has active events.
Release 49
(ASPM) Improved table exports names: Exported CSV files now have meaningful names, including organization or group name and timestamp.
(ASPM) Country is deprecated: Country field is not required anymore to create an organization.
(SAST) New Java SAST Methods:
F016 Java Unsafe SSL/TLS Protocol.
F148 Java Insecure FTP Client.
F372 Java Insecure Spring HTTP Request.
F007 Java Insecure FTP Session Factory.
Release 48
(ASPM) Centralized report download:Access all your downloadable files through the new Downloads button in the platform header. This includes executive and technical vulnerability reports, with plans to add SBOMs and other resources soon. Track download progress and redownload files effortlessly.
(ASPM) Improved CSV repos import:Add connection method and priority in the CSV file and get an example CSV file. Improved error messages.
(ASPM) Custom priority: Use reachability attribute as a priorization criterion.
(ASPM/SBOM) Updated labels for vulnerable components:The label 'Issues identified' in Supply chain has been updated to 'Vulnerable' to clarify the presence of security risks. vulnerabilities will display the 'Reachable' label.
(SAST) New methods:
Java unsafe default http client.
Release 46
(SBOM/SAST) Reachability analysis: A feature is available that examines direct dependencies in the Supply chain section to identify exploitable vulnerabilities. This helps prioritize remediation efforts for dependency issues.
(ASPM) Custom vulnerability prioritization: Use the Priority feature in the Policies section to rank vulnerabilities by impact, exploitability, and more, tailored to your organization's needs.
(ASPM) Enhanced event reporting: Events now specify affected environments and feature improved root and environment tables for better prioritization.
(CSPM) New methods:
AWS Document DB Cluster TLS Disabled.
AWS EKS Unrestricted CIDR.
AWS DAX Cluster Without Encryption at Rest.
AWS Unencrypted ECR Repository.
AWS RDS Unencrypted DB Cluster Snapshot.
AWS RDS Unencrypted DB Snapshot.
AWS ALB Does Not Drop Invalid Header Fields.
AWS Public Accessible DMS Replication.
AWS CloudFront Distribution Viewer Policy Allows HTTP.
AWS ALB HTTP Not Redirected to HTTPS.
AWS Document DB Without Audit Logs.
AWS RDS DB Cluster Logs Disabled.
AWS RDS DB Instance Logs Disabled.
AWS Global Accelerator Flow Logs Disabled.
AWS Neptune DB Instance Logs Disabled.
AWS MSK Cluster Logging Disabled.
AWS Workspaces Has Volume Encryption Disabled.
AWS Route53 Transfer Lock Disabled.
AWS SageMaker Training Job Intercontainer Encryption.
AWS SageMaker Notebook Instance Encryption.
AWS Athena Workgroup Query Results Not Encrypted.
(SAST) New methods:
Python flask log injection.
JS express SSRF.
TS express SSRF.
Python insecure redirect.
Python aws hardcoded credentials.
CSharp sql conn hardcoded secret.
CSharp insecure x509 cert 2.
CSharp hardcoded credentials.
Python flask hardcoded secret key.
(SCA) New methods:
Java CVE 2021 37573.
Release 45
(SCA) Docker image scanning:Scan Docker images from any standard registry, generating detailed SBOMs with associated security issues in the Supply chain section.
(ASPM) Vulnerability closing reasons: View detailed reasons for closed vulnerabilities in the Tracking and Analytics sections.
(ASPM) Expanded permissions for Events tab:User Managers and Vulnerability Managers now have access to the Events tab in the To do section, providing a comprehensive view of issues when managing multiple groups.
(ASPM) Automatic filename formatting: Upon file upload, filename is formatted to avoid issues and vulnerabilities in the platform.
(SAST) New methods:
CSharp insecure fspickler des.
CSharp dir entry hardcoded secret.
Release 44
(SCA) Improved SBOMs: CycloneDX and SPDX SBOM exports now include component details like location, latest version, and associated security issues.
(ASPM) New webhooks: Notifications added for closed events and vulnerabilities within groups.
(ASPM) From MPT to PTaaS: Former 'MPT' technique is clarified and changed to 'PTaaS'.
(ASPM)Event tab in To do: Granted Events tab access for additional roles: User Managers and Vulnerability Managers.
(SCA) New methods:
JS CVE 2020 8203.
TS CVE 2020 8203.
JS CVE 2019 10744.
TS CVE 2019 10744.
JS CVE 2018 16487.
JS CVE 2018 16487.
JS CVE 2017 18214.
TS CVE 2017 18214.
JS CVE 2023 42282.
TS CVE 2023 42282.
JS CVE 2021 26540.
TS CVE 2021 26540.
(SAST) New methods:
JS weak ssl tls protocol.
TS weak ssl tls protocol.
PHP insecure content policy.
CSharp weak rsa encrypt padding.
CSharp http listener wildcard.
Java spring concurrent sessions.
PHP insecure referrer policy.
CSharp insecure fastJSon des.
CSharp memory marshal create span.
JS express insec httponly.
TS express insec httponly.
JS express cookie secure.
TS express cookie secure.
Python django insecure cors.
Python fastapi insecure cors.
Python flask insecure cors.
JS express debug mode enabled.
Python django debug mode enabled.
Python fastapi starlette debug on.
Python flask debug mode enabled.
TS express debug mode enabled.
CSharp stacktrace disclosure.
CSharp insecure ecb mode.
Python django sql injection.
Java hardcoded jwt secret.
JS expressJS hardcoded sess secret.
JS hardcoded jwt secret.
Python django hardcoded creds.
TS express hardcoded sess secret.
TS hardcoded jwt secret.
CSharp hardcoded init vector.
Release 43
(ASPM) Supply chain section: Separated affected and unaffected third-party dependencies from the Vulnerabilities section for easier prioritization. Users can filter components by repository under evaluation.
(ASPM) Temporary acceptance: Selected dates must comply with the established policies.
(ASPM) First-letter search in dropdowns: Filter the available options of dropdown menus by typing the first letters of the name or identifier of the desired item.
(ASPM) Compliance CSV export: New CSV report that shows the relationship between the unmet security requirement and the location where the non-compliance is occurring.
(ASPM) Organization analytics:Ensure downloaded CSV files from Analytics graphics include complete and relevant information for all groups within the organization.
(ASPM) Secrets modal:Replace the dropdown for "Secret Description" with a dedicated column inside the Secrets modal.
(ASPM) Reattacks overhaul:Implement checks to prevent reattack reviews on outdated locations or files.
(ASPM) Notifications:Update notification wording regarding resolved vulnerabilities for improved clarity
(ASPM/SAST/DAST) Egress support: Add more connection methods to clone repositories and access environments.
Release 1
(ASPM) Add links to breadcrumbs: Add links to breadcrumbs for easier navigation within the documentation
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