Resolve Events impeding tests | Fluid Attacks Help

Resolve Events impeding tests

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Sometimes, a situation may arise in a group that prevents Fluid Attacks' tool or analysts from testing part of the scope or maybe all of it. Your team needs to keep track of these situations and solve them, so Fluid Attacks can resume the assessments. The place on the platform where you can see a cumulative record of those situations, including those solved and unsolved, in your groups is its Events section.

Event Tab View

Know your Events table

Role requirement info
Role required: User, Vulnerability Manager or User Manager

The Events section shows a table providing the following information:

Event Table

  • ID: The event’s unique identifier
  • Root: Refers to the nickname of the Root
  • Date reported: When the event was reported
  • Description: The problem that, according to the hacker, impeded, or still impedes, their security assessments
  • Type: The category in which the problem falls (read below the descriptions of these types)
  • Status: The condition of the event, which can be "Solved," "Pending" or "Unsolved" (read below about these status categories)
  • Date closed: When the event was solved, if it was; otherwise, only a hyphen is shown

Types of Events

A reported Event can have different causes. Here are all the different types.

Authorization for a special attack

A specific test needs to be performed, which may affect availability or integrity and requires permission by the customer to carry out a specific test.

Cloning issues

Some repository does not clone.

Credentials issues

No credentials exist, or those that do exist are not valid.

Data update required

Reset user credentials or data changes to consume a service.

Environment issues

Problems in the environment, either because it does not open or because some flow inside it has functional problems.

Installer issues

Unable to install or error when installed on mobile or desktop application.

Missing supplies

Lack of supplies other than credentials.

Network access issues

The network port no longer has Internet access.


Any other problems that do not fall into the above categories.

Remote access issues

Problems with connection methods. For example, when access to environment is not possible.

The client cancels a project milestone

Customer cancels projects.

The client explicitly suspends the project

The client suspends the project for a specified time or excludes a particular part of the ToE.

TOE different than agreed upon

In Continuous Hacking, there are services different from those agreed upon or non-existent functionalities.

VPN issues

Failures on the VPN connection.

Status of the Event

The status of an Event can be either of these three: Unsolved, Pending and Solved.

First, when an Event is reported, it will have the Unsolved status.

Unsolved Status

Here you have to give the solution to this created event. When you have implemented or decided a solution for the Event, click on the checkbox on the left and click on Request verification. Read further below what the steps are for requesting this verificationAt this moment, the Event will enter the Pending state, where you will be waiting for the verification that the supplied solution is effective.

Pending State

When validated and the solution successful, it will move to our third Solved state.

If this solution does not work, the event will be set to Unsolved status, and you will receive a notification where you will see a comment from the analyst. These comments will be sent to you as a notification, but you can also see them in the Consulting tab.

Please take notice of the event indicators below:

  • Red dot: This will appear if at least one event is in the Unsolved state.
  • Orange dot: This will appear if at least one event is in the Pending state. However, there cannot be any event in the Unsolved state.

View Event details

Role requirement info
Role required: User, Vulnerability Manager or User Manager

When you click on the ID of an Event listed in the table, you access a section with its details. This section is composed of three subsections which are: Description, Evidence, and Consulting.

It also has an information header that shows the title of the event type along with its ID, the Date reported, and the current Status of the event.

Event Details Header


In Description, you find why the event was reported by one of our hackers along with their email, the site where it is present and the number of components affected.

Event Details Description


Next is the Evidence tab, you find images with .png and .jpg extension and videos with the WebM extension, helping us to understand the reported Event.

Event Details Evidence


Role requirement info
Plan required: Advanced

In Consulting, you find the discussion established between your company's staff and Fluid Attacks hackers or project managers about the Event. You can leave your comments there.

Event Details Consulting

Request a verification that the Event is solved

Role requirement info
Role required: User, Vulnerability Manager or User Manager

Once you have the solution for the open event, you can request a solution revision. 

Request Verification Option

When you click on it, you will get a pop-up window where you will have to explain the justification of how you solved this event; remember to enter at least ten characters, followed by clicking on the Confirm button.

Confirm Button

If your provided solution was not effective, you will receive a notification where you will see a comment about it. These comments are also available in the Consulting tab. The process of verification is to be repeated in the same way until the Event is solved.

Filter the Events table

Role requirement info
Role required: User, Vulnerability Manager or User Manager

By clicking the Filters button, you can access several filter options corresponding to the variables that give columns their names.


Show or hide columns of the Events table

Role requirement info
Role required: User, Vulnerability Manager or User Manager

You can show or hide columns in the table by clicking on the Columns button and toggling the on/off button in front of each column name.

Columns Filter

Export the Events table

Role requirement info
Role required: User, Vulnerability Manager or User Manager

You can download the event table to a CSV (comma-separated values) file by clicking on the Export button.

Export file

Search the Events table

The search bar filters the information contained in the rows of the table.

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